Saturday, October 18, 2008

Only One Click to Solve Your Computer Errors

Does your computer have slower system startup,slower web browsing, slower application performance or error messages and instability? It is indeed a very troubling thing for every pc user because of computer errors. But do you know that 95% of the computer errors are tightly associated with computer windows registry errors? Over time it is inevitable that your computer will accumulate errors and corruption in its registry database, potentially causing your computer above symptoms.

Cleaning and repairing your computer's registry will help to keep it feeling like new. Keeping your computer error-free is a good part of responsible maintenance and takes only a moment to do. For the same reason you change oil in your car to protect your investment (well, we hope you do!), maintaining your computer protects your investment! And its a whole lot quicker, easier, and you don't have to get your hands dirty! Now i think at this time the ways to clean registry are the key concerned problem of computer maintenance for every pc user. There are two common styles of repairing windows registry.One is to use Regedit tool with windows itself.This way adopts a kind of manual method to repair your windows registry.

If you decide to use this way , first,you must have particular knowledge about registry include the keys and structure of windows registry.And you also must be very careful when you change the registry.Remember, even a very little mistaken change of windows registry may let your windows system collapse.We don't advocate common pc users using edit regedit to fix registry errors because it is too adventure. The other method is to use a third-part software to solve computer registry errors.Registry cleaner is such a software which can help you clean windows registry automatically.

With the registry cleaner you need simply click the "Scan Now" button and the download should start immediately. Once the download is complete, just click the "Run" button to install the registry cleaner personal version and it will start your scan as soon as you're done installing. And after few minutes,the registry errors in your computer will be displayed.At this time you click the repair boutton and all the registry errors will be repair by the software automatically.Isn't is very simply?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Shell32 Errors

Shell32 error is also a kind of windows errors. It is very strongly associated with your shell.dll file which is a windows library file. Windows shell API functions need the shell32.dll file to open web pages and files on your system. Shell32.dll file is also used to do several other windows tasks and helps in keeping your system steady. So you can see Shell32.dll is very important for your system.

Many PC users may encounter the shell32.dll error message like this:"This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down." After you select the detail button the error message is display like this: "IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in SHELL32.DLL". If you click the close button,the error message changed and displayed like this: "There was an internal error and one of the windows you were using will be closed." This error is common caused by the existence of an incomplete Search Bar value in the registry. You can fix the problem manually.It is enough to fix the error after you do the following steps:

1. Run the Regedit command to open the Registry Editor window.
2. Navigate to the following registry key.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
3. To make a backup of this key, after selecting the Main subkey, open the File menu, and select the Export command.
4. Browse to the location where you want to export this key, ensure that the correct path is listed in the Selected to text box, provide a name for the export file in the File name box, and select the Save button.
5. After doing this, delete the Search Bar value from the Main key.

Of course there are some other shell32.dll errors you maybe often encounter. But most of them are associated with the registry errors. For a professional PC user it maybe not a difficult problem to manually fix these errors, but you can see it is very time-consuming. You should open Regedit first and spend much time to search associated errors in registry.So the best way is to use
Best Registry Cleaner to scan and fix the registry errors automatically.

Solve Windows Errors

With the development of the internet and science, the computer is more and more popular in modern society. It has become the necessary tool for people doing their work. However, everything has two sides. When computer makes our work easier than before, it also brings us some troubled things at the same time.

For example the computer operation system errors may make your work disappear at once. One of the most common windows operation system errors is missing file errors, such as the message: rundll32.exe - Unable To Locate Component - This application has failed to start because framedyn.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. These missing files errors often occur if the existing files on your computer are either deleted from the computer or are overwritten by their older versions. To solve these errors, you must follow the correct procedure while installing and uninstalling programs from your computer. Moreover, when prompted that an existing file is being overwritten during a program installation, you must choose to retain the existing file if it is a more current version.

Similarly, during program removal if you are prompted about a file being removed, you must be sure NOT remove the file if it is shared with and required by other programs running on your PC. For most PC users, malware programs are also a kind of source that causes your system errors. Viruses usually can quickly replicate on the system and copy several malicious files on it. It can infect your registry and prevent it from working normally. Spyware programs have emerged as major threats because they stealthily infiltrate and install on your computer. Once in, these malicious programs steal your personal and confidential information and trade it with external sources that usually use this information for advertising purposes. Adware programs such as AdRotator (adspipe.dll) drastically slow down your computer and hamper your work by displaying unwanted popup ads on the PC. To solve this problem you can choose a good anti-viruse program to scan your disk and kill the malware software.

Finally, another very important problem which can cause your windows errors is damaged registry. The windows registry is a very important database for windows system to run properly. It stores all your PC configuration information. If it becomes bloated or has even a little damage, your pc performance would became very slow and even doesn't work. So it is important for you to regularly clean up and fix registry errors. You can do this easily with the help of a Registry Cleaner. Using this tool, you can perform a thorough scan of the registry and remove all unwanted information from it. The tool also helps you fix invalid registry entries and defrag the registry files to compress and reindex them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Guide to Firefox Search Extensions

All of the time we needed to gather information from the net for different purposes we used an internet browser. Sometimes we know the exact sites to visit, sometimes we bookmark the pages but the most time is spent searching.

The Firefox internet browser is equipped with some great searching mechanisms and offers a few tricks so all your searching habits are known and thus you are provided with the best options very quickly.

Firefox offers a built in search box which is considered the real advantage of searching. This search box is located at the top right of the browser. By default Google is selected as expected. In addition several other search engine plugins are also included with a clean install; these include Yahoo!, Amazon, eBay, and others. To select a different search engine just click the drop down box and select the icon associated with a specific search engine.

New plugins for different search engines can be installed by clicking the Add Engines link. After this, you will be presented with a list of a few popular search engines, just click on one of your choice and conform the installation when prompted. The new search engine will be added to the drop down list and ready to use immediately. You can use the Mycroft website which is one of the best to find search engine plugins. The site is located at the mozdev site. All the plugins are listed by category for you to browse or you can simply use their search box to search for those hard-to-find sites that are not categorized. After you have located the plugin you wish to install simply click on it and it will be included in your Firefox drop down list of search engines. Really simple stuff. Firefox stores the last search engine used in memory so if your last used plugin was Yahoo and the browser is closed and reopened then Yahoo will be the selected search engine plugin.

When you have experimented with all of these plugins it is common for you to find yourself not needing so many. Sometimes they will clutter Firefox and interfere with your work in progress. To remove some of them all you need to do is locate the 'searchplugins' folder and delete the SRC and GIF files for the plugin. After this you will need to restart Firefox.

You will find two files in Search engine plugins:

- a SRC file that lists the codes that tells Firefox how to use search terms for a specific site.
- a GIF file which contains the icon for a specific search engine.

The SRC and GIF files are by default located in the 'searchplugins' subfolder of the Firefox installation directory. (Please do not confuse this with your Firefox user profile directory).
It is important to note that uninstalling and reinstalling will cause you to lose any additional plugins you added to Firefox from Mycroft or other sites.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Solving Computer Problems

Are you looking for some valuable information that will help in solving your computer problems? If you are experiencing computer problems; then you are in the right place. This article is written to help you solve your computer problems so that you can get back online and begin finishing what you are trying to do.

There are all kinds of computer issues that you can be dealing with when you own a PC. However some of the most common computer problems are the fact that many people do not take the time to clean up their system. If you are right now trying to figure out what to do to solve your computer problems; the first thing you want to ask yourself is "have I cleaned the PC registry in a while.

If you have no idea what the registry is then most likely you have neglected to get it cleaned. It is quite common for people to develop problems with their PC registries. As a matter of fact almost everyone who owns a computer will at one point develop problems with it.

This is because your PC registry is the backbone to your entire system so therefore if you neglect to get it cleaned then it can slow down quite a bit. Think of it as a file cabinet that you hold all your important files; as soon as the file cabinet becomes too congested or messy it is time to clean it up; otherwise you may begin to notice that the file cabinet will not close.

Well this is the same thing with the registry. Once the PC becomes too full; then the registry can not expand to hold anymore files or software programs that you want to upload. It will also be so full; then it will cause your computer to be slower than normal.

There are some ways to clean up the registry and the first one is to purchase a registry fix software that you can get a hold of while browsing online or one that you purchase from your local retail store. Another method is to find a software cleaning company that will do the whole process. The latter one is the one that most people end up using; because the software cleaning companies that you can find online will walk you through the entire process.

Since you are dealing with the registry which is the most important part of the computer; it is important to find a company that you feel comfortable with. You can easily access the same software program that we use to keep our computer running problem free; by visiting our site below. There is no reason to struggle and try to figure out how to go about solving computer problems; get all the information you need below.

Why Is My Computer So Slow Free Computer Scan To Check For Invalid Files And System Reference.

Prevent Your Computer From Experiencing PC Errors, Constant Crashes And General System Slowdowns!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Facts and Tips to Buy Fax Machines

A potential buyer of fax machines needs to consider a lot of factors, extensively, before ensuring the best buy. The features like; its print quality, its efficiency, the price tag and the speed it operates with are only few of them to be considered.

The list of considerations can be long one. Here is a sincere attempt to help out any buyer of fax machines. The tips mostly depend on the facts what one should expect of the fax machines.

User Friendly: The simpler the functions are the easier it is to be used. The simple operational system saves time and avoids confusion.

Shades and colors: The best machine is that machine which can ensure the maximum shades( sixty four) of gray to all printed documents. Many machines can give color prints too, but at a high cost.

Determining image quality: Most of the good machines give a buyer options to determine the image quality one receives. The best machine can print a single image in four different qualities.

Paper Storing Capacity: The best fax machine has a bigger paper storage tray. It prevents the sudden run-out of the papers. Also it can store a number of incoming documents.

Memory: If the quantum of the daily transmission is high, then the fax machine should need no less than 3.5-5.0 megabytes of memory for an enhanced function. The extra-memory helps to store the incoming information when the machine runs out of paper.

Modem Speed: The modem speed, according to the standards, should be at least 33.6. Anything lesser will hamper outgoing and incoming transmissions of the documents.

Sound Technology: Many machines come with integrated digital devices. They can have functions like; speaker phones, auto redialing and polling etc. A better technologically equipped machine is capable to enlarge or reduce a copy size efficiently. Many hi-tech fax machines come with features like delayed transmission etc.

Machine type describes print quality and expenses:
Buying a film-cartridge fax machine may prove cheaper, but leads to a "feel bad" print quality. Though investing a little more in an ink jet fax machine can get a comparatively better print. However, buying a laser fax machine can burn some holes in the pocket but lead to some glossy prints.

Monday, October 13, 2008

How to Choose A Data Recovery Lab That Won't Let You Down

When choosing a data recovery company to recover your valuable data it is very important that you make the right choice. They need to have a fully focused team of professionals 100% committed to your data requirements and it should certainly not be something they do as a background activity, so don't be afraid to ask some very pointed questions.

A true data recovery lab will be able to successfully recover data from Servers, Laptop's, Desktop's, CD/DVD's and all other types of storage media, not simply just from a failed hard drive.

They will have both the leading technology and skilled technicians to identify and solve the most challenging recovery situations presented to them, and, as leaders in data solutions they should be able to offer a full gamut of data recovery services including full server and raid data recovery capabilities.

A missing link in data recovery however in many businesses and one that is over looked far too often even by large corporations is data back up.

Why is data back up so Data Backup important for your company and your home PC?

Data back is essential to protect the data held on your servers, laptops, home PC's and flash media. This type of precaution will firstly give you peace of mind your data is safe and most importantly you will have the ability to restore you data should your media fail.

Although a professional data recovery service will prove very successful with the up to date technology, a small percentage or hard disk drives will always be unrecoverable.

Even if the data can be recovered using data recovery services it will be very expensive and you will be inconvenienced waiting for your data to be recovered.

You may think hard disks are very reliable and you have never had any problems in the past and that is true but most devices are prone to failure at some stage in there working lives.

Equally you can lose your data in many ways such as accidental deletion or malicious damage or virus. Having a continuity plan with a quick response time to get you back on track is paramount in any business.

If your data recovery company is a full service provider then chances are that they will be using the latest technology and can provide you with a fully automated and encrypted service to make life that bit easier and problem free each day.

If you forget your laptop/memory stick you can use your backup facility to access documents from another location and download your data with a push of the button saving you time and money.

Lab facilities

Most professional data recovery will have proper labs facilities not just a back office with a bench. The data recovery lab is often the heart and sole of the operation.

Keeping up to date with technologies and investing in research and development is essential to maintain a high level of performance at all times.

Lab facility should only be open to trained staff only and be the most secure area of the building. The entire lab should be ESD safe (Electrostatic Discharge) and operate a certified ISO class 3 cleanroom ensuring the highest standard of cleanliness.

You will find many data recovery companies are still operating within a class 100 facility that is in reality relatively outdated by today's stringent standards.

The sole purpose for these cleansed areas is to prevent contamination of the interior of your hard disk drive whilst internal component repair or replacement is being undertaken, and older facilities can still expose your drives to contamination risks that could leave it unrecoverable where they could remain uncontaminated in a cleaner environment.

RAID recovery

Businesses will almost undoubtedly require raid level data recovery or restoration at some point so you need to make sure that your data recovery provider has skilled RAID recovery engineers are specialists in the data recovery industry , and are familiar working with multiple hard disk drives from all types of RAID, NAS, Servers and X-Serve/RAID systems.

This level of service requires the most skilled recovery engineers to diagnose the fault(s) with great knowledge of file systems, hardware and software.

The type of fault recovery offered should also include corruption, damaged RAID configuration, failed controller, software damage, deletion, volumes unable to mount, failed rebuild, unable to boot server and hard disk drive failure.

A top class provider will understand that time is money for most companies, and that is why they will also have the most up to date high speed cloning tools and capacity to recover and restore your valuable data promptly.

Lost data can be devastating to both business and consumers alike, and all clients should be offered a quality and cost effective data recovery solution using the correct facilities and trained staff to provide you with the best possible chance of success. To find out more about Data Recovery visit

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Creating an IT Help Desk

When creating a help desk for IT support at your company, it assists your department in several ways. This helps you gain better response, save time, and offer total IT service for the staff as well as customers at your business.

A help desk for IT is created so that staff can answer the telephones. These staff members are computer technicians trained to help people solve problems on the phone. By offering steps to take to fix problems, usually problems can be resolved without the staff member having to visit the help desk itself.

Help desk IT support groups provide better department response to computer problems that occur within the company. The department can reduce the amount of e-mail inquiries and requests for someone to visit the help desk by placing helpful IT staff on the phone lines. This will ultimately save time on both sides, as the people do not have to make a special visit and the problems will be fixed more quickly.

When adding the help desk to your business you're providing complete IT support company-wide. This part of your department will be the first point of contact when a technical problem occurs; if the problem cannot be resolved over the phone the issue will escalate from there and be referred to some other IT staff person who will go to the location to solve the problem.

Internet technology support often uses a ticketing system, or help desk software, in order to get the best value out of your support staff's skill sets and time. In this way, all the calls that arrive at the desk are able to be tracked, prioritized, and assigned. This facilitates the benefit of being able to monitor the issues that staff often call about, and find better automatic fixes or get to the root of the problem to prevent recurrences.

By providing IT support by integrating a help desk into your department, you are making a good business decision. The department will ultimately become more productive when able to repair things on the telephone, and you'll be providing thorough IT support at the company.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pulling Data From Multiple Tables Into a Single Query in MS Access

Sometimes an Access database user needs to pull pieces of information from multiple table sources to display on a single form. For many users, this can seem like a daunting task. However, with a few tips and a little practice, you can learn to link database tables with little headache. The easiest way to accomplish this is to make use of the "Primary Key" option provided in MS Access. The Primary Key is a unique identifier that classifies the data in a table. By representing data in different tables with the same Primary Key, linking tables is relatively easy.

The first step is to create a new query. Once the query has been created and named, open the query in "Design View" to view the inner workings of the query. Since this is a new query, there should not be any tables listed in the viewer. Select the "add table or query" option to select the tables you would like to link.

If the Primary Key for the tables selected is the same for each table, then linking the tables is easy. Simply select the field set as the primary key and drag it to the corresponding table's primary key. The tables are now linked by the uniquely identifying Primary Key. Information from either table can now be displayed in the query when it is run.

If the Primary Key differs between the selected tables, then a little more work is required to link the tables. Let us consider an example to better illustrate this process. Assume you have two tables. One table contains an automatically numbered Primary Key. The table contains one other field besides the Primary Key. This field contains descriptions of options a user can select (e.g. "yes", "no", "other", etc.) stored as strings. This type of table is known as a "list" table or a "static" table because the data does not change. The other table contains account information for customers at a small business. One of the fields displays whether or not the customer has paid their outstanding bill.

In the newly created query, the user must link the two fields. The linking between the two tables can be accomplished using the "Criteria" option in the viewer. Below is an example of how to link the data in the dynamic and static tables:

Dynamic Table:

"[Static Table Name].[Static Table Field Name]"

The two tables have now been linked! Use this as a template for linking your own tables within a query. With a little practice, you will be able to create more complex queries, helping you become more efficient and organized within your database.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Importing External Access Database Tables Using Visual Basic

ometimes a Microsoft Access database user may find it desirable to automate the process of importing tables from an external Access database file into their current database. Below is a segment of code that provides an example of how to accomplish this.


Dim root As String

Dim srcDB As database

Dim tdf As TableDef

Dim x As Integer

Root = "C:\"

Set srcDB = OpenDatabase(root)

For Each tdf In srcDB.TableDefs

x = 0

If (tdf.Name = "CULVERT") Then

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", root, acTable, "CULVERT", "CULVERT"

errorCheck = 1

End If

Next tdf

After the variable declarations, the first line of code sets the variable "root" equal to "C:\" which is the location of the external database holding the tables we wish to import. The next line sets our database variable equal to the external database. The next lines of code search through the external database to find the table named "CULVERT." If this table is found, the table is imported using the DoCmd function. The "acImport" variable simply tells the function that we wish to import information from the database. "Microsoft Access" specifies the type of database containing the table. Following that is the folder location ("root") of the external database. The variable actable specifies that the object we wish to import is a table. The next two strings contain the table name to import and the name to assign to the imported table when it is imported into the current database.

Once the desired tables have been imported, they can be utilized just like any of the other tables in the database.

Nicholas Brown is a recognized authority on the subject of Access Databases. He is the founder of Database Technology Services (DTS). DTS is a leader in custom Access database development. DTS programmers create databases for corporations, small businesses and individuals. Visit to see all of the services DTS has to offer.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Getting the Training You Need With Online Computer Training

Have you been continually passed over for promotion because you don't have the training with computers that your peers do? This is something that is frustrating to a lot of people, but you don't need this to continue to hold you back. Even if you don't have a lot of extra time on your hands you can get the training that you need to finally get that promotion or even apply for a new job. Through online computer training you can get the skills that you need to move forward with your life.

Computer skills are needed in today's workplace and if your peers have the training that you lack they will shine and be more likely to get the positions that you want. Instead of simply becoming frustrated by having your peers surpass you, why not get the training you need? You can get it easily, relatively quickly, and even affordably through a variety of different sources and you can do it all from home.

Through an online computer training course you can get a wide variety of training and even different certifications. You can start with very basic skills such as using Microsoft Word and Excel to getting your Microsoft Certified System Engineering certification or even becoming a Microsoft Office User Specialist. You could even continue on and become A+ certified, all without leaving your home or being inconvenienced by the training. The best thing is that many of the programs will allow you to complete them in your own time, ensuring that you grasp all of the concepts and will be able to employ them when needed.

When you receive this training you will find that you are suddenly in demand in a wide variety of corporate positions. Suddenly you will go from being on the bottom of the totem pole to the very top and you'll be able to take your career further than you ever thought you would. Stop being frustrated by a less than satisfying work experience and get the training that you need to get you out of the rut that you are in. Through your training you will build confidence in your abilities, which will translate well to interviews for a new job in which you and your abilities will be valued!

Online training is really simple to get started with. You simply sign up through the program of your choice, pay a fee, and then you can get started. Many of these programs take as little as a couple weeks to complete while others may be a bit lengthier. Either way, you will be able to complete them from the comfort of your home, emerging as a more highly trained individual as a result.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

IT & Networking Companies Adding Surveillance

Are you an IT or Networking Company looking to add Surveillance Installations to your service offerings? You are not alone! We continue to see more and more businesses that have IT/Networking backgrounds adding this service with their existing offerings. It makes all the sense in the world, their customer is asking for it and rather than turning it down, this industry is embracing it!

They are all ready familiar with the PC based DVR's and NVR's. The wiring can be ordered with BNC connectors to make it an instant plug and play type install. If you are running CAT5 you can still use analog surveillance cameras with a CAT5 Balun to convert the video. This allows the client to update to IP Cameras in the future with no additional networking expense due to bandwidth concerns.

If you are an IT/Networking company looking to jump into the Surveillance Industry, don't hesitate, you are not alone. However when choosing a Surveillance Vendor, make sure they have technical expertise and offer telephone support. In a perfect world, they might even have a systems engineer and technicians are able to answer all of your questions, ensuring that you are not without support in the field. If you can find a company that custom builds there DVR Surveillance Systems (Commercial Surveillance applications) they will better understand your business and you're possible frustrations as a newcomer to the industry. As some CCTV Installers fail to embrace new technologies and methods, the IT/Networking community will continue to gain market share.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Online Person Search

When one types on google "online person search" they are bombarded with different links to sites asking for your cash promising you will find whom ever you want. It can be an overwhelming process to those looking to just find a legitimate way to search for a person. This article will tell you where to go to find a site to give you what you want, without charging you an arm and a leg to do so.

There are so many different sites online that promise you every single record on a person in a matter of seconds. The only problem is.. most want your cash to do so. Many people usually try to find this type of information for free online. The only problem is, this type of information comes at a cost. The only solution is finding a site that is the cheapest cost, with having the best results. Luckily such sites exist. I have done the research, I have used the sites, and I know which sites are the real deal, and which ones will just take your money and leave you where you started. The best part is, not only do these specific sites give accurate information, they are dirt cheap as well!

These sites offer a wide array of information. Person searching, background checks, criminal records, birth records, death records, marriage records.. the list goes on and on.. there is just so much information to discover about anyone. You can search a person in any state, from home, any time you want. Technology is great, isn't it?! Sites like these are making it easier to find possible relatives, find missing people, locate adopted parents. I mean anything you want to know about a person, you can. I'm sure you are tired of hearing me rant and just want the sites so here you go people. Check them out below!

Background Checks, Criminal Records, and Much More!

Online Person search, any public record, etc.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Linus Torvalds Uses Fedora 9

inus Torvalds, an acknowledged godfather of the open-source movement, was just 21 when he changed the world by writing Linux.

Today, 17 years later, Linux powers everything from supercomputers to mobile phones. In fact ask yourself this: if Linux didn't exist, would Google, Facebook, PHP, Apache, or MySQL?

Linus is the son of the journalists Anna and Nils Torvalds. He was attracted to computers from an early age and attended the University of Helsinki from 1988 to study Computer Science. In 1991, he purchased a PC. As the computers at the university were Unix-based, he bought a copy of Andrew Tanenbaum's MINIX operating system. He was dissatisfied with it, and set about writing his own Unix clone from scratch, unaware of the enormity of the task.. After four months work, in his bedroom in his mother's apartment, he announced, in the MINIX newsgroup comp.os.minix ...

"I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386 (486) AT clones. This has been brewing since april, and is starting to get ready."

Torvalds called it Linux (short for Linus' MINIX). He took a break from his studies to work full-time on the project. By the end of October he was able to announce, 'It has finally reached the stage where it's even usable', and released Linux under the GPL (GNU General Public License). It soon became the focus of the largest collaborative 'open source' project ever undertaken, including geek superstars Fred van Kempen and Alan Cox.. Linus led the development work, not just by his technical brilliance, but by his engaging and genial personality.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Looking at Ken Burns

The first time I saw the Ken Burns effect with iPhoto, I was taken aback.

"What's causing my pics to zoom in and out," I wondered.

It wasn't until I spied the control that I saw what was happening and was intrigued.

I then found out that Ken Burns did some masterful work on the history of the Civil War in the United States and was then forever hooked.

Being able to take photos and turn them into movies is a goldmine for Macintosh owners. Here's what I mean.

With a simple digital camera and your Mac, you can create commercials, digital memory books, promo DVDs, catalogs, reviews, trade show reports, company updates, training packages, guidebooks, memorial DVDs, instructions, DVD proposals, DVD business cards, DVD information products, and much, much more.

Anything that might be put in a book that uses graphics or photos could be explained on a DVD and thus give more visual punch to any explanation.

Why am I saying this when many people say that you could just go out and film with a video camera?

Maybe someone doesn't have a video camera yet.

Maybe someone just has a box full of photos they want to share.

Maybe someone just has graphics or artwork they want to share.

Maybe the cost of producing a film is just too much.

Listen. If you want to shoot a video and use iMovie, great.

If you want to use your pics and iPhoto, wonderful.

The Mac gives you so many possibilities that we could go on and on and on.

The key is to snoop around your Mac and learn what it can do.

The Mac can do far above what you imagine, but for what you dream digitally, it's enough.

Millard Grubb has been a Mac owner for most of his adult life. He has created several products and businesses with his Mac. If you want more information on how you can learn to use your Mac for new income streams, then go to

Friday, October 3, 2008

How to Speed Up My Computer in 1 Hour

It is inevitable. I call it digital inertia. It builds up within any computer from the moment it is assembled, sold and fired up for the first time. All computers, no matter how fast, how furious, become lumps of porridge within a few months. Some last longer, but the build up of digital dust mites and laziness is something none of us can avoid. Our speed demon has become a horned turtle and we always ask ourselves what happened? We find ourselves turning to our technologically inclined friends and asking "How to speed up my computer?" There are a lot of factors involved, but I'll tell you some sure fire ways to speed up your computer in 1 hour.

Over time, because of its dedication to keep up to date, you will realise your program task bar is full of programs, some of which you have no idea how they got there in the first place, and some of them you haven't even used past the first 'fire it up and test it' phase. All these programs after a while end up putting a lot of clutter in your memory, because over time, the information gets fragmented and Windows has to constantly re-fragment the information, seeking it out from hidden digital cul de sacs, weaving it together for a program launch. Defragment your disk! It will take you less than an hour - maybe more if you have the entire Guggenheim museum stored in your hard disks. You will notice a 50% increase in speed, guaranteed. Other than Windows disk defragmenter - there are plenty more efficient and speedier, full featured defragmentation programs out there for you to use.

Another reason for the gradual decline in speed could be that a PC is overloaded with information. Take a look at your start-up programs and the programs you have running in the background. Are they essential? A full featured anti-virus program cuts quite deep into the virtual memory. Scrutinise all the programs you have and delete and uninstall the ones you don't need - especially the ones that are using up precious memory. Just press Ctrl-Alt-Del, and run through the processes tab - a lot will be revealed to you. If, by chance, you need all those programs, then don't fret - upgrade your memory. Buy an extra stick of RAM if your PC is overloaded with your high memory programs.

Optimise, optimise, optimise. I can't stress this enough. There are so many programs and registry cleaners out there on the internet that help to clean out the registry, all loose floating files in hidden temp and system folders and any digital stragglers choking the otherwise fine machinery of your speed demon computer. A program like this does everything from A-Z, sniffing out all possible sectors of your computer, including that all important brain box of a registry that basically controls EVERY aspect of your computer. Keep it up to date and clean - that makes the difference between a running computer and a stuttering computer.

So, there you have it, sure fire ways to speed up your computer. Of course there are so many other ways and so many different sectors that need addressing, but these are some of the common and major issues plaguing PC users the world over.

Click Here to fix your computer errors for free. Logan Albright is an authority on troubleshooting computer problems. He provides valuable advice to thousands of people on how to optimize their computers through a proper computer check up.

Article Source: http://EzineArti

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Understanding and Fixing Runtime Error 429

What are these strange numbers that keep appearing on your computer, you may ask one day as that all familiar beeping renders you at the frayed ends of sanity as you pound your intellect trying to figure out exactly what went wrong with the system. And don't I know it. One of the more prominent ones is runtime error 429. While it may mean as much as any other three digit combinations appearing randomly during a Windows session, I am here to help, as well as explain.

In the Windows environment, runtime error 429 can be traced to a possible and faulty automation sequence within one or more of your Office applications. Cutting away all the jargon and technicalities, it is simply a hiccup in between one or more of the sequences of the operation, within the script itself. It's like downloading information from an online database, turning it into an excel worksheet, which then in turn, generates a pie chart for you. That is an example of a sequence.

Now these problems occur when we use either a programming 'program' like C++ or Microsoft's Visual Basics to create such a sequence. This problem could arise out of many issues. A faulty program is one of them, or an Active X handler is corrupted, this showing you the all familiar message of 'Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object'

Check the integrity of the Office application, and see whether you can launch it yourself. Check the root directory and ensure that it isn't a network drive, as security issues and connectivity quirks might be the cause of this problem. A most common method to troubleshoot such a problem is that people will either reinstall the entire office suit, repair the program through Microsoft's office 'Repair' function or simply re-register the application in the registry.

This is because there might be some confusion within the registry key, or even a missing registry value. In my experience, a corrupt registry is one of the main issues of most of the problems faced in Windows. Most of us aren't so tech savvy that we can identify the problems with the deft hand of a programr. Words like template or excel.xlb resource file might confuse and scare you further, but these are also identifiable points in a runtime error 429 issue.

My best advice? Get help. Download a good registry cleaner to repair all corrupted values, orphan keys and lost connections within the registry. This keeps your PC running in tip top shape. Secondly, help is always available online and there are decent one stop shop repair corners on the net that not only can quickly identify and fix your problem but identify potential and underlying harms that are inflicting your PC - some of them you might have no idea about. A computer is like a car, you have to retune it and send it for a 'once over' once in a while. This makes the difference between a problem ridden PC and a completely healthy one that never fails you.

Click Here to fix your computer errors for free. Logan Albright is an authority on troubleshooting computer problems. He provides valuable advice to thousands of people on how to optimize their computers through a proper computer check up.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Errors About JavaScript

For most computer users javascript is strange PC lingo. Most people except PC professionals programmers know little about it. Essentially, JavaScript is a web development language that is most commonly used on websites. Popular among non-programmers for its user-friendly nature, JavaScript also allows scripting access to objects embedded in other applications.

However, JavaScript errors are fairly common too, largely because so many amateurs write web development programs using it. But the terrible thing is that it can also be used to write adware and spyware, which make their way into your computer, often without you realizing it, and thereby clog the registry. This in turn slows down your computer and may even cause it to crash, and we all know what a big headache that means.

The common JavaScript errors are following:
1. JavaScript is not enabled in the browser.
2. The web page contains a JavaScript programming error.
3. The browser does not support JavaScript technology.

What can we do to deal with these problems? Of course, you could choose to inform the Webmaster about the problem and supply all details of the javascript error message that you have been receiving, but you have an easier alternative to that. Simply clean your windows registry and watch the problem vanish.

For those not in the know, the windows registry is a vast internal database in which all programs that you use on your system, including windows itself, store a huge volume of data. So whenever you make a change to the Control Panel settings, file associations, system policies, or install new software, the changes reflect in the registry. So the registry actually monitors the way your system behaves, and unless you keep windows registry clean by using Registry Cleaner tool regularly, you will not get away from JavaScript error messages.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This is an Operating System

Introduction to Operating Systems

Every computer comes with an operating system; it is the most important piece of software on a computer and it cannot run without it. It is analogous to the central nervous system of a human being; if human beings did have a functioning central nervous system, their bodies could not perform conscious and unconscious tasks on a daily basis such as breathing, walking eating, etc.

Operating systems control all the devices in a computer by means of software. Consequently, devices can be changed, patches can be added and security updates applied. This facility enables changes to be made to computer systems, eliminating the need to purchase a new one every time a change needs to be made to the system.

At the most basic level, an operating system manages the hardware and software resources of a computer and its peripherals. These resources include the processor, memory, disk space, the mouse and keyboard, and an attached printer. It also provides a stable and consistent means for applications to interact with the hardware without having to know the details of the hardware device.

During the standard use of a computer, various programs and input devices compete for the use of the central processing unit and request memory, storage and input and output for their own purposes. The role of the operating system is to insure that each application running gets the resources it needs on an equal basis while managing the used resources effectively and to their greatest capacity.

A consistent application interface is required if more than one computer is using the operating system. These consistent application interfaces, known as APIs, or application program interfaces, allow portability of applications, even if hardware configurations of the computers are different. They also enable operating systems to be sufficiently flexible to handle hardware from different manufacturers in almost any conceivable combination.

There are considered to be four categories of operating systems based on the types of computers they control and the applications they support.

Real time operating systems were developed to control machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems. The primary function of a real time operating system is to manage the resources of a specific component so that a particular operation is executed exactly the same way every time. Real time operating systems typically are contained in sealed boxes, having little user interface and end-user capabilities.

Single use, single task operating systems enable a computer to do one application at a time. Mobile devices, such as cell phones and personal digital assistants tend to have this operating system installed.

Single user, multi-tasking operating systems enable a single user to run several applications at a time on a single computer.

Multi-user operating systems enable many users to employ the resources of a single computer simultaneously. This type of operating system must insure that resource usage is balanced, so one user does not affect the ability of others to get their tasks completed.

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Is Microwave the Future of WiFi?

WiMax (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) isn't new technology (the WiMax forum was created in 2001 to promote the standard), but it's only recently that it has made people sit up and pay greater attention. According to Robert Morrow, a retired Air Force Academy electrical engineering professor, WiFi and cellular data are on the way out because the future belongs to WiMax. There are others, however, who are not quite as glowing in their praise of the emerging WiMax technology, and who believe that it will prove too expensive to have any real practical value.

In an article for LiveScience, Morrow explains why he believes WiMax is the way of the future. Even though WiMax will not be free, as WiFi is, it offers uninterrupted service. Its reach is longer than WiFi's (several kilometres as opposed to several metres) and its signal is stronger, although this is dependent on the distance from base station antennaes. In theory, users should be able to stay connected online all the way across the United States without losing signal once, a feat which is currently impossible even with mobile phone technology. This is because WiMax is compatible with a range of digital cellular service providers, and not just with one or two.

While WiMax doesn't currently enjoy wide spread use, Morrow believes that within the next 2-5 years it will be commonplace in all major US cities, and that in 5 years time, it will be sold with all laptops, or none of them. Which seems rather contradictory, but he says that WiMax's ultimate success will depend on how quickly laptop vendors will add WiMax modems to their products.

David Jarvis, a South African telecoms entrepreneur, is one those people who still believes in the power of WiFi. At the 2007 WiWorld Conference, Jarvis said that WiFi is still a more affordable alternative to WiMax. According to Jarvis, a WiMax base stations costs around $35,000 (£17,703) to build, while a WiFi station costs a mere $2,500 (£1,264). The CPE price of WiFi is also lower, $250 (£126) vs. $350 (£177) for WiMax. Other factors favouring WiFi include its already widespread adoption and the fact that it's available in commonly used wireless devices.

The Wireless Access Providers' Association of South Africa (WAPA) has compiled a list of reasons why Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) prefer WiFi, such as the tried and tested capability of WiFi. WiMax has yet to prove itself capable of living up to expectations and to justify the price increase from WiFi. In addition, the use of both technologies in the Far East has shown that WiFi is superior to WiMax as a business model.

Pakistan, however, is throwing its weight behind WiMax, as it has constructed the largest WiMax network in the world. Wateen Telecom, in conjunction with Motorola Hardware, has installed the network across 17 cities in Pakistan.

While the debate between WiMax and WiFi rages on, some experts in the telecoms industry believe that both technologies can exist alongside each other, with each sharing an equal piece of the telecoms pie. They predict that those who are expecting a major battle between the two will be sorely disappointed, as the future is rosy for both of them.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Features of Mobile Computers With Rapid Application Development

Mobile computer with Rapid Application Development (RAD) helps in delivering high performance and value for all data collection applications. RAD is a program which enables the mobile computers to build programs accurately. RAD provides number of tools to build graphic user interface, which is a long process if it is done manually.

Mobile Computer with RAD designs is easy to use and provides operational reliability, which is needed to excel in mobile applications such as package delivery, field service, transportation, retail and industrial manufacturing. Data can be stored in any format based on the flexibility of user. The following are few features of Mobile computers with Rapid Application Development.

• Ready to use applications: In this system some programs are pre-defined. Users just need to find the appropriate program, quickly start the data collection process and then go for customizing the program. Certain properties are set for accepting maximum and minimum length of barcodes of the products.

• Easy to use: Every one can use mobile computers with RAD for easy programming. For portable data collection terminals, anyone can create sophisticated batch data collection programs without any programming.

• No advanced skills are required: This computer is designed in such a way that no special skills are required for operating it. Sophisticated data validation, including data masks, first character matches are added to system without any professional knowledge and files are looked up automatically.

• Used by both new and advanced users: Both programmers and nonprogrammers can develop data collection programs quickly and easily. Users without programming knowledge can also use it. Advanced users can use special features for better results.

• Saves time and money: Mobile computer with RAD is integrated with back-end data and this system helps in processing the data scripts quickly. Procedures of this system are easy and quick to perform manually. It saves data input time by prompting the user for input, which is required on basis of a particular response. By using these systems, time and cost required for creating the programs can be saved to some extent.

Using mobile computers with RAD is the effective way for the companies to cut down the cost and to become more efficient in programming. These systems help in achieving the optimizing flexibility of work both in office and in the field. A business requirement of a computer to work effectively is fully satisfied by these systems.

L-Tron Corporation is a leading supplier of bar code, data collection products and industrial computers. To improve your shopping experience, we have added significantly more technical barcode products like Point-Of-Sale (POS) and industrial computer systems and components. L-Tron products include bar code reader and portable data collection terminals from a variety of manufacturers.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Buyer's Guide to Voltage Converters

If you travel to other countries frequently, then you realize what a hassle it is to take small appliances or electronics with you due to voltage differences. One country might use a standard of 110 to 120 volts while another might have a voltage range of 210 to 230 volts. In these cases, voltage converters (often called voltage transformers) can help solve the problem and save you money when traveling.

Voltage differences can make it difficult to take along needful items such as hairdryers, irons, electric shavers, alarm clocks, and even entertainment products such as DVD players, VCRs, or TVs. All electrical products require a certain amount of voltage to operate. Most manufacturers develop products based on the standard voltage for the particular country where the items will be sold. Without the proper voltage, these items are useless in other countries.

Even code free DVD players (region free) do not always have the correct voltage for where you are traveling. Though these might be designed for PAL or NTSC formats, this doesn't mean the voltage will match the standard range for the country you plan to visit. To enhance your entertainment even further, you might also want to take along a multisystem TV, which will possibly require a voltage converter.

What is a Voltage Converter?

A voltage converter is a device used to increase or reduce the amount of voltage going from an electrical item to an outlet. It allows for the use of a product from one geographical region to another region when the standard voltage ranges differ. Some voltage converters double the amount of voltage (step up) while others cut it by half (step down). Many converters today can do both.

When buying a voltage converter, find out the standard voltage of the hotel where you plan to lodge. You'll need to know the voltage of your electrical appliance as well as the voltage of the outlets in that particular country. A step up voltage converter will convert the voltage from 110 volts to 230 volts. A step down converter will convert the voltage from 230 volts to 110 volts. Converters are labeled to display their capabilities, such as "110V to 220V Converter."

Voltage converters also vary by the amount of wattage, which can be more or less with different types of appliances. Non-heating items and electric shavers require only a 50-watt voltage converter while items that heat up (such as curling irons, clothes irons, and hair dryers) will likely need at least a 1600-watt converter.

If you plan to take with you a multisystem TV or a multisystem LCD TV, you'll need a voltage converter that is more powerful than the wattage indicated at the rear of your TV set. This is because TVs create a surge when turned on and this could damage the converter. Remember - always turn your converter to the correct voltage before plugging it in!

Check the wattage needed for other larger electronics such as your region free or code free DVD player, VCR, computer, CD player, or even a camcorder. When buying a voltage converter, be sure to get other accessories you'll need with it such as plug end adaptors (for various types of outlets in other countries). You might also want to invest in a universal surge suppressor. Some brand names for voltage converters include Simran, Regvolt, Travelarts, Tripplite, and others.

Electrical problems should be the least of your worries when traveling! A voltage converter can save you time and money when traveling. You can take along all your favorite electrical items and avoid buying new ones when you arrive at your destination. Go online for affordable voltage converters or transformers, multisystem TVs, code free DVD players, and more.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wholesale Computer Parts - Get Your PC Fixed and a Good Bargain

If you are shopping for a new computer system, most branded computers today have really come down in the market yet still seem very expensive. It might seem puzzling or you might be sceptical as to why prices have dropped in certain manufacturing sectors that create PC parts of computers. The prices of a memory card have hit an all time low as improvements in technology has afforded manufacturing volumes of memory cheaper and more affordable to make a PC.

As well, the price of other assorted computer parts like audio cards and motherboards have also declined considerably. If you are a sceptic, rightly so. Bear in mind that a brand computer manufacturers are also in the industry to make profits and grow their business too. So even though we have seen a drop in the price of parts high-quality computers still remain high-priced.

Yet there are many ways, fortunately these days that you can still get a good computer system by tracking down specialized dealers who wholesale computer parts. Building their own computer and out sourcing equipment through wholesale computer parts, you might like a lot of people, think that these are in some way inferior to branded computers.

Personally, I use to believe that cheap parts manufactured used in wholesale computer was to get rid of their inferior overstock to innocent buyer like you and me. But, now my views have changed since my computer crash. When I brought my computer to be fixed to an authorized dealer I was quoted a price that was beyond anyone could reasonably afford; might as well buy a new computer. I had no other alternative other than to go to a local wholesale computer parts dealer out of desperation.

I was totally flabbergasted that this wholesale computer parts dealer had their own service department and I got a quote for repair at a fraction of the cost of the authorized dealers. You can imagine I was naturally curious to find out how could there be such a huge price difference so I sceptically surveyed the wholesale computer parts on their counter display. The dealer came out and showed to me a computer and the replacement parts needed to fix mine. They were exactly the same as my existing computer. He patiently took the time to put in plain words how the wholesale computer parts business works.

Computer parts manufacturers commonly make more parts than necessary by an order for a branded computer so that it guarantees an unexpected burst in demand or if any defective parts can be process quickly and efficiently. This is an in-built quality control measure put in place by the manufacturer. When a bulk order is purchased without recall or customer support problems, the surplus computer parts are then pass on to dealers and resellers for a enormous discounts and then these perfectly good quality computer parts are then sold for a lesser discount to users like you and me. So, check out wholesale computer part dealers and manufacturers to save time and money.

Gracia is an expert on buying wholesale from 100% verified wholesale suppliers. See more on Salehoo wholesale suppliers.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dealing With Computer Problems

It is never fun to be dealing with computer problems; however several people who own computers find themselves dealing with computer problems. We wrote this article to help people realize that there are things that you can do to deal with any type of computer problem that you may be experiencing.

Do you find yourself staring at a computer screen that keeps freezing up? Are you worried that you will have to spend a lot of money to purchase a brand new computer? Well with today's technology it is possible to fix your own computer problems even if you do not have any type of computer experience.

Most people who get a computer have no idea that it takes a routine maintenance to keep your system running like it was brand new. Well if your system has a hard drive then chances are it needs to be cleaned every once in a while.

If your computer is loading slower than normal or keeps freezing up; then you should begin to delete any type of clutter that is on your system. If you have any files or programs that you have not used in while then you can begin to delete some of them. This will relieve your computer from some of the used space that is being used and you should begin to notice a difference in the way that your system

One of the easiest ways to remove some of the clutter from your system is to run a "free" PC scan on the internet. There are several places that you can begin to access these free sites that will enable you to scan your system and they will relieve your system and help it perform better than it may be performing right now.

If you have never cleaned out your system and since you have had it; then you may want to perform one of these scans right now. This will ensure that your computer is running great; plus the scans will inform you of whether your system has picked up any types of errors or viruses while being online.

If you are dealing with computer problems and want to know what types of computer registry cleaners are available for you to use. Visit our site below; get access to the best registry cleaners and read the reviews of why they are the best.

The Top Five Registry Cleaners That Will Get Your PC Running Like New! Tired Of Dealing With Computer Problems Fix Them Today!

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